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Service and links

In this section you will find a list of addresses, links and services you might find useful:

  • The points calculator will give you a first orientation if you wish to find out if you meet the required criteria for applying for a Red-White-Red Card.
  • The chapter FAQ answers questions concerning immigration to Austria in an easily accessible form.
  • EURES Job-search leads you to an online portal where you can access job vacancies throughout Europe.
  • The chapter laws and provisions provides the most important laws concerning immigration, settlement and employment in Austria, as well as other laws of concern when living in Austria (e.g. social security system).
  • Downloads provides printable versions of the most important forms and information brochures related to many topics presented on the website.
  • The website www.advantageaustria.org provides information on the Red-White-Red Card in additional languages such as Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, French, Ukrainian, Spanish and Turkish.

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